Welcoming in the New Season!
Since 2008, local farmers, artists, and makers have gathered together each week to provide our community with naturally grown produce, organic prepared foods, handmade arts, and beautiful flowers. The Athens Farmers Market is a community gathering space - allowing market-goers to connect with their farmer, local craftsfolk, and one another. As a community, we have countless shared memories of enjoying live music, meeting new neighbors, and watching our kids grow together.
How we are moving and Grooving:
At Market Events
Live Music
As a music city, the Athens Farmers Market would not be complete without live music at each of our markets! Over the past 15 seasons, we have provided almost 3000 hours of live music to the community. With live music on both Wednesday and Saturday markets, AFM provides a space for friends, neighbors, and families to connect, dance, and appreciate the talent of, our local musicians. Tips are always welcome. Thank you to Nuci’s Space for providing the sound equipment!
Saturdays: set one from 8am-10am, set two from 10am-12pm.
Wednesdays: set one from 6pm-8pm.
Children’s Booth
Markets are a vibrant representation of the Athens Community. While the kids enjoy an activity at the Children’s Booth each week, there is also a rotation of cooking demos, exercise classes, non-profits, performances, and themed market events to bring joy and build community.
The Strawberry Pie Eating contest, AFM SLICED, Squash Car Racing, and the Halloween Market are just a few of our favorites throughout the year! We host over 10 at-market events throughout the year that center around celebrating community and local food. AFM also hosts multiple Cooking Demos a month - ranging from home cooks to famous chefs - that celebrate the flavors of seasonal produce.
Food Access at AFM
We believe in good food for all.
AFM works to increase access to local food by providing an opportunity for the community to directly purchase produce from the hands that grew it.
To ensure this opportunity is available to the whole community, the Athens Farmers Market hosts two programs to increase the affordability of local food.
First, we match SNAP dollars at our market! That means $1 = $2 to buy fruits and veggies! We also have FARMRx, which is our produce prescription program that provides whole families in the Athens community with local food and nutrition education. Last year, AFM provided over 50k of free produce to our community! Not only do these programs increase the affordability of fresh produce, but they support the livelihood of our local farmers.
These two programs would not be possible without the support of our good friends at Wholesome Wave Georgia and through the generosity of donors like you!
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